The Author Biz Back Office

Welcome, Author Biz listeners!

Stephen here – and I thank you.  For listening to the podcast and for spending time on The Author Biz website.

Since you listen, you know I’m passionate about supporting the author community. You all know much more than I do about the craft of writing, but you listen to The Author Biz to learn the strategies and business principals that can help you succeed over the long term.

Cool Office

Success over the long term is the reason we’re offering services through The Author Biz Back Office.  We’re not providing anything you can’t get elsewhere.  There are hundreds of people who can help with your website or your email list, or even to help you set up a podcast. But those people aren’t listening to your problems the way we will.

The more we know about the problems facing authors in today’s rapidly changing world of publishing, the better we can support you.

There are four things we believe you must do to maximize the chances of succeeding with your Author Business.

1.  Write great books.

2.  Have an attractive, welcoming and functional author website as your home base on the Internet.

3.  Have an active and growing email list which allows you to communicate directly with your readers.

4.  Some form of outreach to connect with more readers so you can bring them back to your website and get them on your email list.

We can’t help you write great books, you already know more about that than I do. But we can help with the rest.

So – how can we help you?

Do you need a website redesign? Do you need help setting up an email service, like Mail Chip? Maybe you want a custom thank you page for new subscribers, to point them to  your social media accounts. Do you need a marketing piece for your next conference?  How about some custom audio for your website?

You might be asking yourself, who’s going to do this work for me? That’s a great question.  I’ve been in the technology business all of my adult life, and I’ve worked with some great people.  I’ve got some great people working for me know.  So, depending on the project, one of them will be doing the work, with me managing the project, or if it’s audio related, it might be me.

Great – But how much does it cost?

We have established prices for our business clients. But we offer discounts to authors.  Try us – I think  you’ll find us to be affordable.

Let me know if you think we can help. We offer a limited range of services and if we can’t help you, we probably know who can.